Smart Content Profits Review 2022 & OTOs: Build Auto Populating Content Sites For Affiliate Marketing

Hey guys, If you are looking for a place that shares the simplest, easiest, and in-depth Smart Content Profits review, you are at the right place here – @iMakereview
If you have any desire at all to build an empire of profitable self-updating niche content sites, then you MUST pay attention to this, right away.
You know how much work it takes to build a niche content site and then keep it updated with relevant content.
Imagine being able to supply just 3 pieces of information, click your mouse a few times, and then just walk away… because your pro quality niche content site has been built for you, stocked with content for you, and constantly updates with “legally stolen” content for you, hands-off!
That’s what Smart Content Profits does for you. (No Tech Skills, No Site Building, No Content Writing… Nothing To Download, Nothing To Install)
Just login to your Smart Content Profits dashboard from anywhere, using any device. Enter the domain name, site title, and niche keyword or keyphrase for your site. Click your mouse and your brand new site is built for you within minutes.
Every posted article gets shared out to your Facebook, Twitter, etc., properly formatted, so you can get viral sharing traffic and valuable linkbacks.
It even hosts the sites for you on the same high-speed high-power webhost that the Smart Content Profits creator uses for his own content sites.
Interested? Let us scroll down for the full details of Smart Content Profits review.
Table of Contents
Smart Content Profits Review – Product Overview
Product | Smart Content Profits |
Vendor | Paul OKeeffe |
Launch Date | 11-Oct-2021 |
Launch Time | 11:00 EDT |
Front-End Price | $27 (One time) |
Official Site | |
Training | Yes! Step by step training inside |
Skills | All Levels |
Guarantee | 30-days Money Back Guarantee |
Bonuses | Yes, Exclusive Bonuses Included |
Support | Friendly and Effective Support |
Recommendation | Highly recommended |
Discount | Yes, Claim Your Discount Here! |
Now let’s go to the next section of this Smart Content Profits Review; where you will get to know what exactly Smart Content Profits is? + Features, price, upgrades, pros & cons, and many more of this new powerful software.
What Is Smart Content Profits?

Smart Content Profits is a ground-breaking app that builds WordPress sites on auto-pilot. Just add in a domain and let the system do the rest. The system will build and set everything up for the wordpress site in minutes and it includes full lifetime WordPress hosting on its own super fast servers.
Not only will it build the site but it will also add the content as well! Once the site is set you can instantly add content via a couple of different ways.
Search for the content using its huge database, then add or schedule the post. You can have the site up and running with tons of content in just minutes.
You can also add a keyword in and the system will auto build the site based on the keyword choice.
It has multiple features including:
- Build your site and populate via a csv file
- Add in RSS feeds
- Full content database
- Manage the site direct from the dashboard
- Lifetime hosting included
In short, This brand new SMART technology lets customers build auto-populating content sites, that pull in FREE organic traffic on auto-pilot forever! PLUS it comes complete with built-in social media syndication.
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Smart Content Profits Review – Exclusive Features
Full Access to this Secret App: This is the heart and soul of Simple Content Profits. Just login to your account from anywhere, on any device, and you’ll be at your super easy to use dashboard.
High Powered FAST Hosting: Your webhost can make or break your success, especially if you use one of those budget cheapie webhosts. But Your sites are automatically built on hosting that won’t let you down… and won’t hurt your budget.
Fully Secure WordPress Setup: No more having to manually setup WordPress, with all its confusing settings and technical mumbo-jumbo. And no worrying if your site can get hacked down the line.
Right Theme & Plugins Set Up the Right Way: They identified the BEST theme and plugins for this type of site. You get the same handpicked theme and plugins that work perfectly every time.
Automatic Self-Updating Content Curation: Smart Content Profits will search for the best fresh content on your subject, and “legally steal” it for use on your site, and self-updating one-stop-source for the content.
Content Always Posted When You Want: Some sites should be updated once daily, some more, some less. You can always have content posted based on the specific schedule YOU want.
Automatic Curated Content Citations Keep You 100% Legal: Smart Content Profits will ALWAYS include a properly formatted citation link with every single content item it curates for you. No worries, and no problems down the line.
Get Viral Traffic, Engagement, and Linkbacks from Social Media: Simple Content Profits ensures every one of your posts gets properly shared to your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Imgur, Reddit, and Blogger accounts. Always formatted properly, always using the right image, always ready to generate viral sharing!
Smart Content Profits Review – Who Is It For?
Smart Content Profits is a product that anyone can use but especially must use if you are one of these people:
- Affiliate Marketer
- Freelancer/Service Provider
- Blogger
- Social Media Marketer
- Content Marketer
- New/Struggling Online Marketer
- Someone Who Wants To Make Online Profits Without Being A Tech Guru Or Content Genius
Smart Content Profits Review – Pros & Cons
- Simple easy to use dashboard
- Create content and host sites in minutes
- Insane value on the Front-End Offer
- Set up once, get paid over & over
- No monthly fees or expenses
- Perfect and made easy for beginners
- Pandemic-proof business that keeps on growing
- All-inclusive solution with NO monthly costs or extra tools needed
- Honestly, we do not found any cons of this.
Smart Content Profits Review – Price & OTOs

Main Offer: Smart Content Profits – [$27]
This is a unique never before seen app that helps you build content sites within just a few minutes. His will be a huge app as its completely unique in the market place!
Step One: Add in your domain. The system creates the account on our super fast servers. Installs WordPress and everything you need on there.
Step Two: Search for content that is related to your niche. Hit post or schedule and your site is built all done within minutes.
Step Three: Add in RSS feeds for more content and set the auto post going so the system will build your site while you sleep.
This is the easiest system you will ever find for building your sites on auto pilot.
OTO 1: Smart Content Profits Level Up – [$67]
Create even more sites with this unique upgrade. This allows you to create 10 sites all on different domains. You can easily build all these ten sites in just minutes. You can set them to auto post so you build themselves when you sleep.
The system will set up WordPress on the sites and you will be able to instantly add your content from its searchable database PLUS add even more with RSS feeds.
OTO 2: Smart Content Profits Instant Ads – [$67]
This monitizes every post on auto pilot. Imagine having ten sites that are building themselves while you sleep. But what about if we took this one step further. Those same sites had ads on every post that was made.
And it was split testing those ads to see which works best. This is easy and takes the system even further and makes it a money making machine.
OTO 3: Smart Content Profits Pixal Upgrade – [$147]
This upgraded the amazing Pixal software and added some unique new features this will be the last upgrade in the Smart Content Profits funnel and you can claim this today by buying any OTO.
You can instantly add amazing graphics and call to actions to any post you make.
- New premium template
- New rich media banners
- Video banners
- Overlay video banners
- Full embeds
- And much more
Take action now and you’re in at the lowest one-time payment price, and your first site will be running in minutes. You have to get it before the big price hike that’s coming because you’ll pay much more later, possibly even monthly. Click below now to secure your guaranteed deal.
So guys this was the complete Smart Content Profits review for you. I hope you have understood all the things and after reading this you have very excited to buy it and start making huge money in your pocket.
Remember, Smart Content Profits builds profitable self-updating niche content sites for you, hands-off. You just need to give it a domain name, a site title, and a keyword or keyphrase for your site’s niche.
No more writing, no more site building, no more site coding, you don’t even need to supply a hosting account because hosting is INCLUDED.
This is your chance to do more than succeed. It’s also your chance to strike back at all the hucksters selling junk apps. It’s also your chance to get prove those friends and family who said “you’ll never succeed” to be totally wrong.
So you don’t have to be late because the launch price isn’t staying forever, you’ll have to pay more for Smart Content Profits, possibly even monthly. Click below now to start on your Smart Content Profits success.
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Tags: Smart Content Profits Review, Smart Content Profits OTOs, Smart Content Profits Bonuses, Smart Content Profits Legit or Scam, Smart Content Profits Discount.